서브라임텍스트3(SublimeText3) 다운로드 바로가기programing 2017. 10. 17. 00:30
BUILD 3149
13 October 2017
Added new color scheme format, .sublime-color-scheme
Restore support for the selectionForeground color scheme key
selectionForeground can now be specified on a per-scope basis
Added support for the invisibles key in color schemes
Various syntax highlighting improvements
Added Regex Replace Widget.sublime-settings and Console Input Widget.sublime-settings
Word wrap is turned on by default for the console
Fixed word highlighting regression in 3148
Mac: Fixed incorrect text rendering when LCD Font Smoothing is disabled
Linux: Fixed underscores getting clipped in some fonts
API: Added view.style_for_scope()
'programing' 카테고리의 다른 글
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